Category Archives: WA State

Guardian steals wife and house

Guardianship given to company who moves wife too far to visit and sell’s house out from under husband of 40 years.

Mike was just trying to do the best for his wife of 40 years. She had dementia and he wanted to put a reverse mortgage on his home to hire more care-givers. The problem was that they had never put the house in his name. He went to one of Seattle’s most honored elder law attorneys for advice.  Continue reading Guardian steals wife and house

$55,000 in guardianship fees annually- Retired teacher must pay

Larry’s guardian charges $55,000 or ALL of Larry’s pension in guardianship fees. These are fees approved by Judge Jeanette Dalton in Kitsap county and then Carlos Velategui in King county. Larry has a right to live at home, but his guardian won’t let him. He has spent thousands of Larry’s money petitioning the court to sell Larry’s house. Larry wants a new guardian, but his lawyer refuses.

Originally posted at : Continue reading $55,000 in guardianship fees annually- Retired teacher must pay